To: Aaron Rector, Interim City Manager
From: Bradley G. Fortune, Chief of Police
Consider approval of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances by amending Chapter 18 - Traffic, Article V. - Reserved, by adding a new Article V. - Golf Carts; establishing regulations concerning the registration and operation of golf carts on public streets; providing for penalty; a severability clause; authorizing publication; and establishing an effective date.
Action Requested:
Approval of an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances relating to Golf Carts
In an effort to improve safety, remain family friendly and streamline enforcement efforts, state law provides opportunities for a governing body to adopt a city ordinance to manage the use of golf carts specific to their communities. With these goals in mind, this recommended city ordinance will minimize the potential for crashes with motor vehicles traveling at higher speeds on heavier traveled roadways, expand opportunities for residents to use golf carts within neighborhood settings and streamline requirements for residents as well as provide consistency in direction to officers for enforcement.
Financial Impact:
No financial impact.
Legal Review:
The City Attorney has reviewed this agenda item.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial
Council Action:
Staff requests Council to approve the Ordinance as presented.