To: Mark Hafner, City Manager
From: Julie Smith, Community Development Director
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a resolution approving a Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) Amendment change from Mixed-Use (MU) to Retail/Commercial (RTC), located on approximately 6.2-acres, legally described as Lot 4 and 5R, Block 1 in the Town Center East Addition, located near the southwest corner of the Rufe Snow Drive and Keller Parkway intersection and addressed as 920 and 940 Keller Parkway (FM 1709). Jim Makens, Grapevine/Wall JV, Applicant/Owner. (LUP-21-0004)
Current Land Use Designation:
Mixed-Use (MU)
Proposed Land Use Designation:
Retail/Commercial (RTC)
The properties in the Town Center East Addition were first platted in 1997. The Site Plan for the center was approved by Council in 1997 per Resolution 835. The Applicant constructed and owns the two (2) retail buildings immediately adjacent to the Kroger grocery store to the west. He also owns the three vacant parcels in the center.
Both the 1998 FLUP and the recently adopted 2021 FLUP identify the property as mixed-use; the property is located in the Town Center zoning district.
The Applicant believes the Mixed-Use land use category (and Town Center zoning district) make it difficult to lease the space, because there are fewer uses permitted in Town Center than in the straight Retail zoning district. Specifically, he would like to lease space for medical uses.
The City Council recently adopted the updated 2021 FLUP. As part of that process, this property retained its mixed-use FLUP land use classification to coincide with the rest of Town Center. If this request (and the related rezoning request) are granted, the Town Center zoning district will have a “hole” in the middle of the TC district that would allow uses not otherwise permitted. It would further isolate “east” Town Center from “west” Town Center.
Existing Roadway Access:
Keller Parkway
Surrounding Current Uses and Future Land Use Designations:
North: Multi-tenant building, Raising Canes, and American Nation Bank designated as Mixed-Use
South: Moviehouse and Eatery designated as Mixed-Use
East: Kroger designated as Mixed-Use
West: Foam Fabricators designated as Mixed-Use
Citizen Input:
On June 10, 2021, the City mailed out 14 Letters of Notification for this Public Hearing to all property owners within three-hundred feet (300’) of the subject site. A public hearing notice sign was posted on the site
As of today, Staff has not received any responses from the Public.
Planning and Zoning Recommendation:
The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended denial by a vote of 7-0 for this application on July 27, 2021. The majority of the Commission mentioned the recently adopted 2021 Future Land Use Plan and its much-discussed designation as Mixed-Use as reason to not support the application. Also noted was the concern with the abundance of medical uses in the general area. The Commission expressed a desire for the City to identify development opportunities (such as adding “pet grooming” to a permitted use in Town Center) and work with Mr. Makens and neighboring business for redevelopment options and opportunities.
The Applicant requested this item be placed on the September 7, 2021 City Council meeting agenda as he was unavailable for the August 17, 2021 City Council meeting.
The City Council has the following options when considering an Amendment to the 2021 Future Land Use Plan:
Approve as submitted.
Approve a less intense land use classification
Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.