To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Bradley G. Fortune, Chief of Police
Consider an ordinance amending the City of Keller Code of Ordinances Chapter 10, Miscellaneous Provisions by adding Article IX - Sex Offender Residency Restrictions; prohibiting certain registered sex offenders from residing within a certain distance of where children commonly gather; dispensing with a culpable mental state; providing a repealing clause; providing a penalty; providing a severability clause; and establishing an effective date.
The proposed ordinance would prohibit certain registered sex offenders from residing within a certain distance of where children commonly gather. Child sex offenders who are required to register as a sex offender under Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Chapter 62, within the Texas State Sex Offender Registry represent a serious threat to public safety. The recidivism rate for released sex offenders is alarmingly high, especially for those who commit their crimes against children. The proposed ordinance does not prohibit registered sex offenders from residing in the City; however, it serves to protect the public, health, safety, and welfare of the public from the negative impacts associated with child sex offenders.
Financial Impact:
Citizen Input/Board Review:
Not Applicable
Legal Review:
The City Attorney has reviewed the attached ordinance.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial
Council Action:
Consider approval as presented.