To: Mayor and City Council
From: Aaron Rector, City Manager
Consider a resolution acknowledging receipt of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024.
The City of Keller is required by §103.001 of the Texas Local Government Code and Section 8.15 of the City of Keller Charter to have an annual financial audit by an independent accounting firm. §103.003 of the state code and Section 8.15 of the city charter requires the annual financial statement, including the auditor’s opinion, to be provided to each member of City Council and placed on file at the City as a public record.
City management is responsible for completeness, reliability, and accuracy of financial reports for the auditors to test and give their opinion on. The auditors base their opinion on the reasonableness on the City’s financial statements and internal controls. The resulting audit report or Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) is prepared through the cooperative efforts of the City Finance Department and Whitley Penn, L.L.P. The auditor’s opinion is found on page 1 and is favorable.
The ACFR represents the completion of the fiscal year (FY) 2023-24 budget process that began approximately two years ago when the departments began preparing their initial budget requests. The General Fund variance of final actuals to final budget is on page 69, reflecting positive variances for both revenues and expenditures.
A draft ACFR was presented to the Finance Committee on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The final ACFR includes adjustments related to depreciation and minor formatting changes. The ACFR will be submitted to the Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) for the Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award review and to the city’s investment advisor for compliance with continuing disclosure requirements. The City has submitted past ACFRs to the GFOA’s Excellence in Financial Reporting program for the past 35 years (FY 1988-89 through 2022-23). It is the City’s expectation that the September 30, 2024, ACFR will be awarded its 36th consecutive certificate.
A CPA partner will be presenting a summary of audit findings at the City Council meeting. They will communicate directly on any governance matters that are significant and relevant to the responsibilities of those charged with governance in overseeing our financial reporting process.
Financial Impact:
Not applicable.
Citizen Input/Board Review:
The Finance Committee reviewed the report with the auditor on March 11, 2025.
Legal Review:
Not applicable.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial
Council Action:
Consider a resolution acknowledging receipt of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024.