To: Aaron Rector, City Manager
From: Alonzo Liñán, Director of Public Works
Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County to rehabilitate and resurface Meadow Knoll Court from Blevins Lane to Cul De Sac and Blevins Lane from Chandler Road to Cul De Sac, for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute said agreement.
Action Requested:
Approve a resolution authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County, Exhibit A, for the rehabilitation and resurfacing of Meadow Knoll Court from Blevins Lane to Cul De Sac and Blevins Lane from Chandler Road to Cul De Sac.
Each year, depending on the availability of County staff, Public Works identifies candidate streets for a collaborative resurfacing effort with Tarrant County.
The rehabilitations of Meadow Knoll Court and Blevins Lane were chosen for rehabilitation based on roadway condition, scope of work, and the consistency with other roadway project priorities established in the Pavement Maintenance Program. Approximately 550 linear feet of Meadow Knoll Court and 1700 linear feet of Blevins Lane will be rehabilitated and resurfaced. The locations are shown on the attached Location Map, Exhibit B.
As part of this partnership, Precinct 3 of Tarrant County agrees to provide the labor and equipment necessary for this work. The City of Keller in turn agrees to cover the actual costs of material removal, base preparation, new material, traffic control and ½ of the fuel required. The City’s estimated cost for this street work is $239,80.81 with a budget of $350,000.00.
Financial Impact:
Funds are budgeted in the Public Works - Street Maintenance Operations budget with funding provided by the General Fund.
Legal Review:
The City Attorney has reviewed this item.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial