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File #: 20-364    Version: 1
Type: New Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/6/2020 Meeting Body: Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda: 8/11/2020 Final action:
Title Search: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a recommendation for a Zoning Change from R (Retail) to a PD (Planned Development) of 31 lots with open space and a base zoning of SF-8.4 (Single Family Residential - 8,400 S.F. Lots) for Adare Grove - a proposed residential development on approximately 10.095-acres of land, being Tract 3E, out of the Edmonds, John Survey, Abstract No. 457, located on the southeast corner of the Rufe Snow and Rapp Road intersection. Bursey Commericial, LTD. owner, Sage Group, applicant/developer. J. Volk Consulting, Engineering Firm. (Z-20-0002).
Attachments: 1. Aerial Zoning Map.pdf, 2. 2017FLUP.pdf, 3. Application.pdf, 4. Narrative.pdf, 5. Detail Plan.pdf, 6. Opposition Letters-Adare Grove
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To:                     Planning and Zoning Commission

From:                     JP Ducay, Planner I



PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a recommendation for a Zoning Change from R (Retail) to a PD (Planned Development) of 31 lots with open space and a base zoning of SF-8.4 (Single Family Residential - 8,400 S.F. Lots) for Adare Grove - a proposed residential development on approximately 10.095-acres of land, being Tract 3E, out of the Edmonds, John Survey, Abstract No. 457, located on the southeast corner of the Rufe Snow and Rapp Road intersection. Bursey Commericial, LTD. owner, Sage Group, applicant/developer. J. Volk Consulting, Engineering Firm. (Z-20-0002).



Action Requested:

Conduct a public hearing and consider a request for a zoning change from Retail to a Planned Development District with a base zoning of SF-8.4.


Property Description:

Approximately 10.095 out of 11.3 acres of land, being a portion of Tract 3E, out of the

Edmonds, John Survey, Abstract No. 457, located on the southeast corner of the Rufe

Snow and Rapp Road intersection. Addressed as1301 Rufe Snow.


Current Zoning:

R - Retail


Proposed Zoning:

PD-R - Planned Development - Residential (Base Zoning of SF-8.4)


Future Land Use Plan:

The FLUP currently designates this site to be developed as MD-SF - Medium Density - Single Family (15,000 S.F. to 24,000 S.F.). The applicant is seeking to amend the FLUP designation to CD-SF - Cottage Density - Single Family (Zero-Lot-Line to 11,999 S.F.). The proposed FLUP amendment is another item on tonight’s meeting agenda.



The property in question is an approximately 12-acre tract of land located directly southeast of the Rufe Snow and Rapp Road intersection and is Zoned Retail. The Applicant is requesting to utilize 10.095 acres of the 12-acre property and convert it into a high-quality neighborhood. The remaining acreage located directly at the corner of the Rapp Road and Rufe Snow intersection would remain a Retail site for future development.

The Applicant is proposing to develop Adare Grove, a residential Planned Development with a base zoning district of SF-8.4. Though the Zoning Map accommodates residential zoning classifications, the property is currently zoned Retail. Furthermore, there are two companion Future Land Use Plan/Map amendments attached to this case as the FLUP does not accommodate for residential developments proposing lots less than 12,000 square-feet.


Proposed Uses:

Residential - The applicant is proposing to develop approximately 10.095 acres for 31 home sites. There would be three open space lots for a total of 18.61% of open space (the requirement is 15%). The development will offer a density of 3.07 homes per gross acre with a minimum lot size of 65’ x 130’. However, per the submittal, the average building lot area is 9,251 square-feet with a minimum house size of 2,000 square-feet.



The purpose of this Planned Development Zoning Change is to rezone from R (Retail) to PD-R - Planned Development - Residential (Base Zoning of SF 8.4). The UDC states that in a Planned Development District, uses shall conform to the standards and regulations of the base-zoning district to which it is most similar. According to the Applicant, the property within this submittal will be developed and used in accordance with the standards set forth in the Planned Development District with a base Zoning of SF-8.4. This development will comply with the Land Use Regulation as set forth within the SF-8.4 ordinance, except as described below.


Lot Dimensions:

Minimum Lot Width:

                     Base SF-8.4: Minimum of 65’

                     Proposed PD: Minimum of 65’

Minimum Lot Depth:

                     Base SF-8.4: Minimum of 110’

                     Proposed PD: Minimum of 125’


Minimum Front Yard Set Back:

                     Base SF-8.4: Minimum 25’

                     Proposed PD: Minimum 25’


Minimum Side Yard Set Back:

                     Base SF-8.4: 10% of lot width up to 15’

                     Proposed PD: 6.5’ on standard lot, 15’ for corner lot on street sides.

Minimum Floor Area:

                     Base SF-8.4: 1,400 s.f.

                     Proposed PD: 2,000 s.f.

Maximum Lot Coverage:

                     Base SF-8.4: 35% (For Main Building), 50% (Including accessory buildings, Driveways and parking areas)


                     Proposed PD: 45% (For Main Building), 55% (Including accessory building, Driveways and parking areas)


Architectural Design:

The applicant proposes to maintain the architectural design requirements set forth the UDC’s residential Building Design and Development Standards.

The building exterior for the residential units will maintain the standard required 80% masonry construction of the first floor.



UDC Section 8.08 (G)(1) requires a minimum of two, large-canopy trees with a minimum 3’’ caliper shall be planted in the required front-yard of all new single-family uses.


In lieu of this the Applicant proposes a minimum of 1 tree shall be planted in each front yard. Said trees shall be of a species whose typical mature height is no greater than approximately 20’. Additionally, a minimum of one large canopy tree with a minimum 3’’ caliper shall be provided in the rear yard of each lot. For corner lots, two trees shall be provided within the side-yard parkway.


In addition, one street tree, with a minimum 3’’ caliper, shall be provided for each lot for a total of three trees per lot.




The applicant has provided details and illustrations of the proposed screening walls and fencing to be used throughout this development. All fences proposed are in accordance with the UDC.


Hike/Bike Trail:

The Hike and Bike Trail Master Plan shows a future hike/bike trail directly west of the development along Rufe Snow. The Applicant proposes to enlarge the sidewalk along Rufe Snow to the required 10’.


Tree Preservation:

At time of construction plan review and final platting for each new development, a tree survey of protected quality trees that are 6’’ caliper or greater in size is required along with a tree protection/mitigation plan indicating which protected trees are to be removed and whether they are exempted from tree mitigation requirements. Because the canopy is consistent across the site, the Applicant was able to survey a section approximately 100’x100’ and extrapolate across the entire site to determine potential future mitigation.

The Applicant is proposing to allow all trees planted on the residential lots and curb to be counted towards mitigation.


Open Space:

There is a 20’ Tree Conservation Easement is proposed along the eastern boundary to maintain a visual/ privacy buffer between the new development and the adjacent, existing homeowners. Additionally, there is a proposed tree conservation easement on the south end of the development along Shady Grove Road to retain as much of the tree lined atmosphere. The Applicant is providing a total of 18.61% open space.


Garage Features:

The Applicant proposes that a minimum of 50% of the homes shall have J-swing garages

while the remaining garages will be front facing. A garage facing the street shall not

exceed 144 square-feet.


The UDC sections 8.07(C)(1) states J-Swing garages are permitted only in the SF-8.4

(Single Family-8,400 square foot lots) and smaller zoning classifications and when

permitted by a PD (Planned Development) district. (The City Council will consider an

amendment recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission to allow J-wing

garages in all single family zoning districts at its august 18th , 2020, meeting.)



Drainage & Utilities:

All preliminary drainage and utilities have been reviewed and approved by Public Works at this time.


Trip Generation:

The Applicant is currently working on providing staff a Trip Generation form. 


Existing Roadway Access:

Rapp Road and Shady Grove Road.



All streets are planned to be public and maintained by the City of Keller. All street designs shall meet the requirements of the Unified Development Code which calls for fifty feet (50’) street right-of-way width.


Development Entry Signs:

The Applicant is working on providing more detailed entry feature plans.


Surrounding Zoning & Land Uses:

                     North: SF-15 Single Family Residential (15,000 S.F. Lots)

                     East: SF-12 Single Family Residential (12,000 S.F. Lots)

                     South: SF-8.4 Single Family Residential (8,400 S.F. Lots)


Requested PD Conditions:

Four (4) variances are being requested for this PD Zoning Change request:


1.                     Request to reduce the side yard setback to 6.5’.

2.                     Request to increase the maximum lot coverage allowed for a main building to 45% and 55% for all buildings, driveways, and parking areas.

3.                     Allow one tree instead of two to be planted in the front of every residential lot.

4.                     Allow 50% of the garages to be of J-swing orientation and the remainder to face the street.


The applicant is proposing the following standard that exceeds the development standards of the UDC for this planned development:


1.                     Increasing the minimum lot depth from 110’ to 125’.

2.                     Increasing the minimum dwelling floor area from 1,400 s.f. to 2,000 s.f.

3.                     Requiring all homes backing to the eastern boundary of the project with rear elevation second floor windows facing the existing homes to be frosted or be located at least 6’ above the floor level.

4.                     A 20’ Tree Conservation Easement along the eastern boundary to maintain a visual/ privacy buffer between the new development and the adjacent, existing homeowners.

5.                     A tree conservation easement on the south end of the development along Shady Grove Road to retain as much of the tree lined atmosphere. The Applicant is providing a total of 18.61% open space.



The Applicant is proposing to develop Adare Grove, a residential Planned Development with a base zoning district of SF-8.4. Though the Zoning Map accommodates for such residential zoning classifications, the property is currently zoned Retail. Furthermore, there are two companion Future Land Use Plan/Map amendments attached to this case as the FLUP does not accommodate for residential developments proposing lots less than 12,000 square-feet.


Section 8.02 (D.1.e) of the UDC states that when considering a zoning change request, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider the following factors:


1)                     Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their relationship to the general area and the City as a whole, and in compliance with the Future Land Use Plan.


2)                     Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans for providing streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area, and shall note the findings.


3)                     The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City, and any special circumstances which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development.


4)                     The recent rate at which land is being developed in the same zoning classification as the request, particularly in the vicinity of the proposed change.


5)                     How other areas designated for similar development will be, or are unlikely to be, affected if the proposed amendment is approved.


6)                     Any other factors which will substantially affect the health, safety, morals, or general welfare.


Citizens Input:

On July 29, 2020, the City mailed out forty-eight (48) letters of Notifications for a Public Hearing to all property owners within three hundred feet (300’) of the subject site, a public hearing notice sign was also posted on the site.


As of August 5, 2020, City staff has received two formal letters of opposition and two emails from the public regarding this application.



The Planning and Zoning Commission has the following options when considering a Planned Development Zoning Change application:


-                     Recommend approval as submitted (with variances and conditions)

-                     Recommend approval with modifications or additional condition(s)

-                     Tabling the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose

-                     Recommend denial


City Council Action:                     

If the Planning and Zoning Commission takes action and makes a recommendation on this agenda item, then this Planned Development Zoning Change will be scheduled for City Council action on September 1, 2020.



Documents:                                          Supporting documents include:



o                     Aerial/Zoning

o                     Future Land Use Map

o                     1998 FLUP adoption


o                     Application

o                     Narrative

o                     Detail Plan

                     Staff Attachments

o                     Opposition Letters