To: Mark R. Hafner, City manager
From: Scott Bradburn, Planner I
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a Planned Development Amendment from PD-O (Planned Development-Office) to PD-O (Planned Development-Office), amending the Bloomfield Office Park (Ordinance No. 1036), an office development located on a 4.15-acre tract of land, Bloomfield Addition, Lots 1 through 8, block A, amending lots 1 and 5, allowing the buildable area not to exceed 8,612 gross square feet, and to allow the building peak not to exceed thirty-five feet (35’), with an average build height not to exceed thirty feet (30’) feet, on the south side of Keller Parkway (FM 1709) approximately 400 feet east of Bear Hollow drive, 1722 Keller Parkway (FM 1709), zoned PD-O (Planned Development-Office), 170 Players, LLC, owner/applicant. (Z-18-0004).
Action Requested:
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a planned development amendment, amending the Bloomfield Office Park Planned Development (Ordinance No. 1036). The focus is to add additional development standards to the Planned Development initially approved in December of 2000.
On December 5, 2000, City Council approved a Planned Development zoning change (Ordinance 1036) to change the zoning from SF-LD (Single Family-Low Density) to PD-O (Planned Development-Office) for Bloomfield Office Park, an eight (8) building commercial development on a 4.15-acre site.
On February 26, 2018, Planning and Zoning approved a plat of the 4.15-acre lot, dividing the property into eight (8) lots.
The purpose of this planned development amendment is to allow the applicant to amend the Bloomfield Office Park, specifically Buildings 1 and 5, by exceeding the initially proposed square footage and increasing the building height of Buildings 1 and 5 to two (2) stories, not exceeding a height of thirty feet (30’).
Initially, the Planned Development was put in place in 2000, to accommodate the zoning standards for an Office (O) development at that time. The applicant has provided a site plan for the proposed amended Planned Development. In order to develop this site, approved Construction Plans and Building Permits would be required.
• When the PD-O (Planned Development-Office) was approved in 2000, the side setbacks for Buildings 3, 4, 7, and 8, adjacent to single family residences, were not listed in the stipulations.
• The concept site plan, at that time, did adhere to our current zoning setbacks. Currently, Buildings 3, 4, 7, and 8 are next to a single family-residential district. Buildings 3, 4, and 7 are within the UDC zoning setbacks, however, Building 8’s side setback is currently next to a single family-residential district and is approximately fifteen feet (15’) from the property line, thus not within code of the UDC.
• By moving the footprint of Building 8 to adhere to our current UDC standards in Office (O) Zoning, referring to side setbacks adjacent to a single family-residential zoning districts, the building pad will have to be shortened. Moving the footprint to the west and keeping the building at three thousand square feet (3,000) SF, would cause the building pad to encroach into the detention pond. The applicant will adhere to our current zoning standards, shortening the gross square footage and maintaining a thirty foot (30’) side setback.
• The original ordinance (#1036) for this Planned Development did not include the square footage of Buildings 1 and 5. The original concept plan called for both buildings to be listed at 7,500 square-feet.
• The applicant wishes to change the footprint for Buildings 1 and 5, increasing the size of the building to no greater than 8,612 gross square-feet. In addition, the applicant would like to show the architectural peaks not exceeding thirty-five feet (35’) and a build height not exceeding thirty feet (30’).
• The applicant will meet UDC 8.03 N (4b5) for this proposed building height requirement.
• The applicant will restrict the use of Building 8 to that of general office use only.
1. Increase the building size for Buildings 1 and 5 from 7,500 square feet, not to exceed 8,612 square feet.
2. Increase the roof height on Buildings 1 and 5 from 1 ½ stories to two (2) stories, with architectural peaks not exceeding thirty-five feet (35’), and a build height not exceeding thirty feet (30’).
3. Restrict the use for Building 8 to General Office use only.
Section 8.02 (D.1.e) of the UDC states that when considering a zoning change request, the City Council shall consider the following factors:
1) Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their relationship to the general area and the City as a whole, and in compliance with the Future Land Use Plan.
2) Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans for providing streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area, and shall note the findings.
3) The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City, and any special circumstances which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development.
4) The recent rate at which land is being developed in the same zoning classification as the request, particularly in the vicinity of the proposed change.
5) How other areas designated for similar development will be, or are unlikely to be, affected if the proposed amendment is approved.
6) Any other factors which will substantially affect the health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
Citizen Input:
On November 30, 2018, the City mailed out forty-eight (48) letters of Notifications for a Public Hearing to all property owners within three hundred feet (300’) of the subject site. One (1) public hearing notice sign was also posted on the site.
As of December 18, 2018, City staff has not received any written responses from the public in opposition to this zoning request.
Professional Opinion:
Staff is in support of the proposed planned development amendment, increasing the gross square footage to a size no greater than 8,612 square feet for the proposed buildings on Lots 1 and 5, and increasing the height of the proposed buildings from 1 ½ stories to 2 stories, with architectural peaks no greater than thirty-five feet (35’) and building height not exceeding thirty feet (30’).
The applicant’s proposed buildings will be compatible with adjacent residential areas, with building heights not greater than one-story. Furthermore, the buildings will also be compatible with the style and atmosphere of commercial structures on adjacent properties.
Staff forwards this Planned Development Amendment application for City Council’s consideration with the following conditions and variances:
1. The buildings on Lots 1 and 5 shall be two story, limited to an architectural peak not to exceed thirty-five feet (35’) and a build height not to exceed thirty feet (30’).
2. The buildings on Lots 1 and 5 shall not exceed 8,612 gross square-feet.
3. The building to be constructed on Lot 8 shall be restricted to Office use only.
Planning and Zoning Action:
On December 10, 2018, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously (7-0) to recommend approval.
City Council Action:
The City Council has the following options when considering a planned development amendment application:
§ Approve
§ Approve with modifications or additional condition(s)
§ Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose
§ Deny