To: Aaron Rector, Interim City Manager
From: Bradley G. Fortune, Chief of Police
Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Wilson Bauhaus Interiors, of Dallas, Texas, for the purchase and installation of furniture for the Keller Police Department, through the OMNIA Cooperative Purchasing for Local Government Procurement Program, The Interlocal Purchasing System, and the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance, for the Police Department, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all purchase documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.
Action Requested:
Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Wilson Bauhaus Interiors for the purchase and installation of furniture for the Keller Police Department for a total cost of $343,284.33.
The City has selected Wilson Bauhaus Interiors as the vendor to supply furniture for the Police Department Renovation project. The equipment chosen will include various chairs, tables, cubicles, & office furniture to furnish identified rooms in the renovated facility.
The original budget for furniture for the Police Department was $222,000.00. The cost of materials has increased significantly since the budget was created, and the cost of the furniture is $314,081.66, and freight and installation are an additional $29,202.67, for a total of $343,284.33. This was the lowest bid versus bids of $373,435.26 and $421,656.01.
Our CMAR estimated that at the end of phase 1, we are currently at $28,000 in savings for the project. The owner's contingency in the city's budget is currently $23,500.00. The construction contingency is currently at $200,000.00. Additionally, the architect amended the agreement for a $26,500 compensation adjustment in response to the increase in price for the furniture.
Deducting the compensation adjustment and utilizing a portion of the construction contingency will allow staff to furnish the facility, and still leave $105,215.67 in the owner's contingency funds and the complete $23,500 in the owner’s contingency funds. CMAR, Architects and Staff feels confident that at the conclusion of the project, the entire project will be under budget.
Financial Impact:
Funding for the furniture is budgeted in the Facilities Capital Improvement Project Fund with funding provided from the Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) Budget. The cost of requested furniture is $343,284.33.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial