To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Alonzo Liñán, Public Works Director
Consider a resolution approving an Agreement for Professional Services with Kimley-Horn of Fort Worth, Texas; for the purpose of providing bidding and construction phase services, relating to the Bates Street Reconstruction project for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.
Action Requested:
Consider a resolution approving a professional services agreement with Kimley-Horn for providing bidding and construction phases services for the Bates Street Reconstruction project in an amount not to exceed $517,800.00.
Kimley-Horn was awarded the Old Town Keller (OTK) Phase II design contract in late 2017 and tasked with developing a conceptual layout and implementation plan. They have since been awarded design contracts for the Bates Street Reconstruction project, Bates Street Park Improvements project, South Elm Street Reconstruction project and the design and construction phase services contracts for the Bear Creek Parkway/Whitley Road Roundabout project.
Because of their familiarity with the area and the projects underway or in design that are in close proximity to Bates Street, Kimley-Horn is best suited to oversee the construction phase of the project.
The proposed hourly agreement provides services not covered in the design contract, including construction inspection, contractor coordination and material submittal reviews. The scope and complexity of the project requires more on-site presence from an inspector than current city staff can provide. The services provided with this agreement will allow for increased project oversight, documentation and coordination.
Financial Impact:
Funding is included in the Streets Capital Improvement Project Fund with funding provided by the General Fund.
Citizen Input/Board Review:
Legal Review:
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the proposed Agreement.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial
Council Action:
Staff recommends approval of the resolution as presented.