To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Katasha Smithers, Planner II
Consider approving a Preliminary Site Evaluation (PSE) for the Jackson Subdivision consisting of Lots 1-3, Block A, being 4.12 acres located on the west side of Jackson Road, approximately 730 feet northwest from the Mount Gilead Road and Jackson Road intersection, zoned Single-Family 36,000 square-foot minimum lot size (SF-36) and currently addressed as 1390 Jackson Road. Tony Ko, Applicant/Developer; Mackay Investments, LLC., Owner. (PSE-22-0006)
The purpose of the Preliminary Site Evaluation (PSE) is to provide an overall preliminary development plan for a tract of land showing the infrastructure extension of roadway, water, and sanitary sewer.
The Applicant proposes to subdivide the tract into three lots.
All three lots meet the SF-36 Zoning district size requirements.
Street: MEETS
The Applicant proposes to extend the roadway north by terminating the road with a cul-de-sac.
Tree Preservation: MEETS
The Applicant proposes to remove the trees in the new street right-of-way (ROW). All other trees shall remain. Any further removal will require a building permit for each lot indicating which trees are to be removed and why.
Drainage & Utilities: MEETS
The applicant has provided preliminary utility and drainage plans to the City supporting this application. More detailed utility and drainage plans will be reviewed with the final plat and civil engineering plans at a later date.
Variance Requested:
There are no variances being requested for this PSE application.
Citizen Input:
A PSE application does not require a public hearing, so no public hearing notifications were sent out to the surrounding property owners for this request. The public will have an opportunity to speak on this agenda item during “Persons To Be Heard.”
The applicant has met the requirements of the Unified Development Code (UDC) for the PSE.
Planning and Zoning Commission Alternatives:
The Planning and Zoning Commission has the following options when considering a PSE application which meets all UDC requirements:
- Approve as submitted
City Council Action:
The Planning and Zoning Commission has the authority to approve PSE applications with no variances, so no City Council action is needed.
Supporting Documents:
- Maps
- Exhibit A: Proposed PSE