To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Sarah Hensley, Administrative Services Manager
Consider a resolution accepting the proposed Old Town Keller Phase II Implementation Plan and Conceptual Layout.
In 2014, at the direction of City Council, staff began identifying public improvement opportunities in the area of Old Town Keller south of Keller Parkway and west of Hwy. 377 for Phase I of a project intended to support continued economic growth, enhance Old Town as a destination location and foster a unique identity for the community. Design on the Old Town Keller Phase I project began in 2015 and was completed in 2017.
In Dec. 2017 City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Kimley-Horn for developing a conceptual layout and implementation plan for Old Town Keller Phase II, the area east of Hwy. 377 and south of Keller Parkway. The plan and layout have been completed; the purpose of acceptance by City Council is to provide staff with formal direction to move forward with the Old Town Keller Phase II project.
Financial Impact:
Based on the plan developed by Kimley-Horn, staff has identified certain project elements to be pursued first as part of Step I of the project. Funding for all project elements will follow standard city purchasing guidelines and procedures, including City Council approval for all purchases over $50,000.
Acceptance of the plan does not commit the City to any contracts, agreements or other purchases for the Old Town Keller Phase II project.
Citizen Input/Board Review:
In addition to an online survey and several public input booths at local events, community workshops were held in June and October 2018 for citizens to learn more and provide feedback on the project. A full review of all public engagement activities, including survey results, are included as Appendix 2 of the proposed Implementation Plan.
Legal Review:
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial