To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Amber Washington, Planner I
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a detached accessory building on one acre located on the south side of Elkin lane, approximately 600 feet southwest from the intersection of North Pearson Lane and Florence Road, legally described as Lot 1, Block 2 of Arabian Horse Country addition, zoned Single-Family 36,000 square-foot lot size or greater (SF-36) and addressed 990 Elkin Lane. Valter Moreira, Owner/Applicant (SUP-22-0005.)
The Applicant applied on March 24, 2022 for a Specific Use Permit to construct a 720 square-foot detached garage with an average height of 21 feet, and peak of 23 feet, 9 inches. The Applicant proposes to use the structure as a garage for vehicles, a workshop, and storage.
Building Size:
The proposed building is 720 square feet with an average height of 21 feet tall and a peak of 23 feet, 9 inches.
Building Location:
The proposed garage will replace the existing detached garage. The structure will meet side setback requirement of 20’ and rear-yard setback requirement of 15 feet.
Building Exterior:
The Applicant proposes to use 12” hardie lap siding and trim on the building exterior, as well as soffit and fascia conforming to the existing home. The roof will consist of conforming composition shingles. There will be one entry-exit door, and 8 windows. The garage door will be steel.
SUP Request:
1. An SUP for the height of the structure to exceed an average of 15 feet tall, which is the maximum height allowed for an accessory structure in the SF-36 zoning district. The proposed height is an average of 21 feet, with a peak of 23 feet, 9 inches.
Section 8.02 (F)(2) of the UDC states that when considering a SUP request, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider the following factors:
1) The use is harmonious and compatible with surrounding existing uses or proposed uses;
2) The activities requested by the applicant are normally associated with the permitted uses in the base district;
3) The nature of the use is reasonable and appropriate in the immediate area;
4) Any negative impact on the surrounding area has been mitigated; and
5) That any additional conditions specified ensure that the intent of the district purposes are being upheld.
Citizen Input:
On April 1, 2022, the City mailed out 16 Letters of Notification for this Public Hearing to all property owners within three-hundred feet (300’) of the subject site. A public hearing notice sign was posted on the site.
The Planning and Zoning Commission has the following options when considering a Specific Use Permit:
§ Recommend approval as submitted.
§ Recommend approval with modified or additional condition(s).
§ Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.
§ Recommend denial.
City Council Action:
If the Planning and Zoning Commission takes action and makes a recommendation on this agenda item, then this Specific Use Permit application will be scheduled for City Council action on May 3, 2022.
Supporting Documents:
§ Aerial and Zoning Maps
§ Staff Attachment