To: Aaron Rector, City Manager
From: Alonzo Liñán, Director of Public Works
Consider a resolution approving the purchase of As-Needed Pond Dredging and Related Services from EnviroDredge of New Summerfield, Texas through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS-USA) Purchasing Cooperative, for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all purchasing documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas
Action Requested:
Approve the purchase of As-Needed Pond Dredging and Related Services from EnviroDredge of New Summerfield, Texas through the TIPS-USA Purchasing Cooperative, in an amount not to exceed $700,000.
The TIPS-USA purchasing cooperative is a purchasing program that allows state and local governments to benefit from shared purchasing power. Utilizing this type of program for construction and repair services meets the City of Keller’s competitive bidding requirements and streamlines the purchasing process.
In September 2024, staff initiated an evaluation of the Bourland Road Drainage Pond to determine its long-term viability and to compliment the adjacent development. As a part of that evaluation, Pond Medics was engaged to perform a bathymetric survey of the pond in order to determine sediment buildup and to provide recommendations for next steps. An initial assessment indicated that the pond had approximately 40% of its capacity impeded by sediment and it was recommended to have the pond dredged to below 10% sedimentation. This percentage represents approximately 5,600 cubic yards of material.
In the following months, with the approval of construction plans for the adjacent development, staff was directed to begin evaluating options for dredging the pond so that activities would conclude on or prior to the opening of the development.
In February 2025, EnviroDredge was engaged to assist with the development of a dredging plan. As they are already a contracted provider through TIPS-USA, this provided for the fastest way to meet the project goals, while also meeting purchasing requirements.
Financial Impact:
Funds are budgeted in the Drainage System Capital Improvements Project Fund with funding provided by the Drainage Utility Fund. As this specific item is an unbudgeted expense, a budget amendment will be required to move funding from the Nightingale Drainage Project for this activity.
Legal Review:
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial