To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Jennifer Oakes, The Keller Pointe Manager
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving amendments to the City of Keller Code of Ordinances by adding a new Chapter 12 - Parks and Recreation, Section 12-160 - Youth Programs Standards of Care; providing a severability clause; authorizing publication; and providing an effective date.
Action Requested:
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance amending the City of Keller Code of Ordinances by adding a new Chapter 12 - Parks and Recreation, Section 12-160 - Youth Programs Standards of Care
Adopted standards are a Texas Department of Family and Protective Services requirement for an exempt status for day care licensing. A public hearing is required for adoption of the ordinance. The public hearing and adoption of the ordinance may occur on the same day.
The City of Keller Parks and Recreation Division offers day camp programs for children ages six to eleven. The Texas Legislature requires municipal day camp youth programs for elementary age children to meet day care licensing requirements or file for an exemption [Section 42.041(b)(14) of the Child Care Standards and Regulations of the Texas Human Resources Code]. To receive exempt status, a municipality must submit a copy of program standards, a notice of a public hearing for the program and a copy of the ordinance adopting the standards.
The Youth Programs Standards of Care will provide basic child care regulations for day camp activities operated by the City of Keller Parks and Recreation, allowing the department to qualify for an exemption from the requirements of the Texas Child Care Standards and Regulations within the Texas Human Resources Code.
The City of Keller day camp program meets, and in some areas, exceeds many of the standards listed in the State's Child Care Standards and Regulations. All of the Standards of Care included in the City of Keller Parks and Recreation day camp policies and procedures were already in place prior to determining this more formal adoption process and have been used in the staff training process prior to camp starting each year.
The Standards of Care will be provided to the parents of each program participant and shall include, at a minimum the following areas:
• Minimum requirements for staffing ratios;
• Staff qualifications and essential job functions;
• Facility, health and safety standards;
• Procedures for reporting child abuse/neglect allegations;
• Written procedures stating that parents and each staff member will be provided a set of standards;
• Contact information of department supervisors for the purpose of complaint notification and resolution regarding the recreational program;
• Written procedures for staff who will be monitoring the programs and enforcing the standards;
• Requirement of criminal background checks on prospective day camp employees;
• Service standards for communicating with parents and performance expectations of day camp employees;
• Behavior management and discipline procedures; and
General rules and regulations.
The application for exemption determination and the formal adoption of the Youth Programs Standards of Care and ordinance is an annual requirement so that the Standards of Care can be revised as needed to reflect current regulations and policy changes.
Financial Impact:
Not applicable.
Citizen Input/Board Review:
Not applicable.
Legal Review:
Not applicable.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial