To: Mark Hafner, City Manager
From: Trish Sinel, Senior Planner
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a zoning change application from Retail to Single-Family 36,000 square-foot lots or larger, for a 6,363 square-foot building, on 1.41-acres, located on the south side of Bandit Trail, situated approximately 300-feet from the intersection of Davis Boulevard and Bandit Trail, located at 765 Bandit Trail, legally described as Lot 1, Block A, Bandit Addition and zoned Retail (R). Xuwei Jiang owner/applicant. (Z-21-0007)
The Applicant is requesting a zoning change from Retail (R) zoning district to Single-Family 36,000 (SF-36) zoning district to return the structure to a single-family residential use.
Why Action is Required:
Per Section 4.03 of the Unified Development Code, a Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission) recommendation and a final decision by City Council is required for a zoning change.
The City approved a Site Plan for Homestyle Care of Keller, an Assisted Living Facility, in April of 2012. Homestyle Care of Keller vacated the property in 2018. The property has since remained vacant.
Surrounding Zoning Districts:
North: Office (O) and SF-36
South: Colleyville Zoned PUD-R
East: SF-36
West: Retail (R)
Surrounding Land Uses/Businesses:
North: Single Family Residential (Rolling Wood Addition)
South: Single Family Residential (Colleyville)
East: Single Family Residential (Bandit Trail)
West: Offices (Bandit Trail Office Park) and Medical Uses (Davis Boulevard Medical Center)
Site Design:
The Owner plans on removing the fire stripe lane and all of the curb stops on the property following approval of rezoning to SF-36. No other changes to the property are planned at this time.
Citizen Input:
On July 16, 2021, the City mailed out 11 Letters of Notification for this Public Hearing to all property owners within three-hundred feet (300’) of the subject site. A public hearing notice sign was posted on the site on July 16, 2021.
An amendment to the zoning map of the UDC requires a public hearing notice to be published in the local newspaper 15 days prior to the scheduled City Council meeting date. The notice for the City Council public hearing was published in the August 1, 2021, edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
As of today, Staff has not received any comments either in support or opposition from the public.
Planning and Zoning Recommendation:
On July 13, 2021, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and unanimously recommended approval. The applicant was present. One person spoke in favor; no one spoke in opposition.
Section 4.03 (A) of the UDC states that when considering an amendment to the zoning regulations (including the zoning map) for a zoning change request, the City Council shall consider the following factors:
1) Appropriateness of all the uses permitted by the proposed change for the immediate area concerned and the relationship of the proposed uses to the general area and to the City as a whole.
2) Agreement of the proposed change with any existing or proposed plans for providing streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area.
3) The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the City and any special circumstances that may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development.
4) The rate at which land in the same zoning classification has recently been developed, particularly in the vicinity of the proposed change.
5) Effect on other areas designated for similar development if the proposed amendment is approved.
6) Conformity with the goals and objectives for future developments within the Future Land Use Plan for the City of Keller.
7) Any other factors which will substantially affect the health, safety, morals or general welfare of the citizens of the City of Keller.
The City Council has the following options when considering a zoning map amendment to the UDC:
- Approve as submitted.
- Approve with modifications or additional amendments(s).
- Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.
- Deny.