To: Aaron Rector, City Manager
From: Alexis Russell, Planner I
PUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a Planned Development Zoning Change for Mountain Blue, a Planned Development Zoning Change from Single Family Residential-36,000 square foot lots (SF-36) to Planned Development - Single Family Residential-36,000 square foot lots, consisting of one residential lot on approximately 10.6 acres of land, legally described as Lot 1, Block A and Lot 1, Block B of the Mountain Blue Addition, and Abstract 592 Tract 8C03, 8C04, 8C1 & 8C2, and 10D of the Jesse Gibson Survey, located on the north side of Lambert Lane East, approximately 680 feet west of the Lambert Lane East and Ottinger Road intersection, and addressed as 5899, 5909, 5943, and 13492 Lambert Lane East. Steel & Silver LLC, Owner. DCG Engineering, Applicant. (ZONE-2501-0001)
Action Requested:
Conduct a public hearing and consider an ordinance approving a Planned Development zoning change for approximately 10.6 acres from Single Family Residential-36,000 square-foot lots (SF-36) to Planned Development - Single Family Residential-36,000 square-foot lots (PD-SF-36) for the Mountain Blue Addition, consisting of one residential lot.
Current Zoning:
Single Family Residential-36,000 square-foot lots (SF-36)
Proposed Zoning:
Planned Development Single Family Residential-36,000 square-foot lots (PD-SF-36)
Future Land Use Plan:
The proposed development is compliant with the 2021 Future Land Use Plan with Low-Density Single Family (LD-SF - 36,000 square-foot lots and above).
The subject property is composed of five un-platted SF-36 lots that will be platted into one single-family 36,000 square-foot lot.
The Applicant is requesting a Planned Development (PD) zoning change for Mountain Blue, a one lot single-family residential subdivision (minimum lot size 36,000 square-feet). The proposed development is at the northeast corner of Lambert Lane and Lambert Lane East, on approximately 10.6 acres.
The development was designed to allow the property owner flexibility for accessory structures and fencing on the lot and to wrap all of their requests into one submittal, rather than multiple SUPs/variances.
The concept plan included with the development standards features a main home and several accessory structures, and a private pool, golf course, and private football practice field. UDC Section 8.04 (2) states that “Private open space or other private recreational amenities as part of a residential subdivision and not for commercial purposes” are permitted in the base SF-36 zoning.
The proposed PD will adhere to the base zoning regulation of SF-36 with the amendments as described below.
The PD proposes the following criteria:
Minimum Dwelling Size: MEETS
The proposed PD will adhere to the base zoning regulation of SF-36 for minimum dwelling size of 2,400 square-foot or greater.
Lot Size: MEETS
1. Minimum lot area: 36,000 square-foot
2. Minimum lot width: 140’
3. Minimum lot depth: 200’
The proposed PD will adhere to the base zoning regulation of SF-36 for lot size.
1. Minimum front yard: 35’
2. Minimum side yard: Ten percent (10%) of lot width; 15’ if on a corner lot adjacent to a street.
3. Minimum rear yard: 15’.
The proposed site plan shows all structures within the minimum setbacks.
Maximum Lot Coverage: MEETS
The Applicant proposes a maximum lot coverage of thirty percent (30%) by the primary structure; fifty percent (50%) including accessory buildings, driveways and parking areas. The proposed PD will adhere to the base zoning regulation of SF-36 for maximum lot coverage.
Accessory Structures:
The Applicant proposes the following five accessory structures on the lot:
1. Gymnasium next to football field (up to 3,000 SF)
2. Gate House and integrated covered parking (total of 1,200 SF)
3. Club House (up to approx. 7,500 SF)
4. Future detached carport (up to 4,000 SF)
5. Future Accessory Dwelling Unit (up to 5,000 SF with a maximum height of 35’)
All structures must receive a building permit prior to construction.
UDC Section 8.04 (g) states that a maximum of two detached accessory buildings are permitted on any lot/tract and that all accessory buildings greater than 1,200 square feet shall require a Specific Use Permit (SUP). A SUP is also required for any detached carports.
UDC Section 9.06 (5) states that detached accessory buildings shall be prohibited in front of the main building.
The Applicant is proposing to orient the front yard of the property towards Lambert Lane West (towards the west property line). The club house is requested to be located at the front of the main building on the property. The Applicant has provided a concept site plan that shows the location of all accessory structures with the proposed PD standards in Exhibit A.
Screening and Fencing:
The Applicant proposes to install perimeter fencing/screening with a maximum height of 10 feet on all boundaries of the lot, with the exception of the gate house walls that will be 12 feet in height to support entry gates. The fence would be allowed to be 10 feet from the property line and would be subject to any/all visibility easements.
UDC Section 9.07 states that open-style fencing shall fence not exceed a height of six feet (6') when located in front of the main structure. Also, if a side or rear fence for a property is located in front of the main structure of an adjacent property a solid fence may be located no closer than 25’ from the side property line facing the street.
The Applicant is requesting variances that would allow for a solid/opaque screening wall with a height of 10’ along all perimeters of the property to provide better privacy for the property owner. The material will follow what is permitted in the UDC for allowed fencing materials. The fence would be located on the North and East property lines and be allowed to be placed 10’ from the South and West property lines that front public streets.
Screening adjacent to public right-of way will have evergreen plantings to soften the appearance. Renderings of this proposed wall with the plantings are included in ‘Exhibit A’.
The Applicant also requests to be allowed to install screened chain link fence to be maintained during construction and removed upon approval of the building final inspection. UDC Section 9.07 (L.4.) allows for chain link fencing with mesh screening on residential projects with 5 or more lots.
Landscaping: MEETS
Per UDC section 9.03(G), a minimum of two large canopy trees with a minimum 3” caliper shall be planted in the required front yard of all new single-family uses. Existing trees of equal or greater size within the required front yard may be counted toward this requirement. A minimum of two large canopy trees with a minimum three 3” caliper shall be planted in the required side yard adjacent to a street of all new single-family uses on corner lots. Existing trees of equal or greater size within the required side yard adjacent to a street may be counted toward this requirement.
The Applicant has provided a preliminary plan for tree removal and replanting with the proposed PD standards.
Drainage & Utilities:
A drainage study and utility plan will be required to be submitted with the final plat.
Trip Generation:
A trip generation form was not required to be submitted with this PD request since the standards cover one single-family residential lot.
Surrounding Zoning & Land Uses:
North: SF-36; LD-SF
South: SF-36; LD-SF
East: SF-36; LD-SF
West: SF-36 and PD-SF-36 (PD-1813); LD-SF
Citizen Input:
On January 15, 2025, the City mailed out 22 letters of notification for this Public Hearing and the associated planned development zoning change to all property owners within three hundred feet (300’) of the subject site. A public hearing notice sign was posted on the site.
Staff has received 5 letters of opposition, and 1 email representing 8 properties, of support in response to this request. Opposition within the 200’ buffer totals 38.8% of the land within that buffer, so a supermajority (3/4) vote will be triggered for the City Council public hearing for this item.
Section 8.02 (D.1.e) of the UDC states that when considering a zoning change request, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider the following factors:
1) Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their relationship to the general area and the City as a whole, and in compliance with the Future Land Use Plan.
2) Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans for providing streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other utilities to the area, and shall note the findings.
3) The amount of vacant land currently classified for similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the City, and any special circumstances which may make a substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for development.
4) The recent rate at which land is being developed in the same zoning classification as the request, particularly in the vicinity of the proposed change.
5) How other areas designated for similar development will be, or are unlikely to be, affected if the proposed amendment is approved.
6) Any other factors which will substantially affect the health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation:
At the January 28, 2025, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of the SUP request as presented.
The City Council has the following options when considering a Planned Development Zoning Change application:
- Approve as submitted.
- Approve with modifications or additional condition(s).
- Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.
- Deny.
- Aerial and Zoning Maps
- Exhibit A: Proposed PD and Supporting Documents
- SF-36 Zoning Regulations
- Public Opinion Letters