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File #: 25-029    Version: 1
Type: New Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/8/2025 Meeting Body: Planning & Zoning Commission
On agenda: 1/14/2025 Final action:
Title Search: Consider a request for a special exception to the City of Keller Unified Development Code, Article 9, Development Standards, Section 9.05 - Sign Regulations for a detached subdivision entry sign for Heatherwood Estates, located at the intersection of Cat Mountain Trail and Rufe Snow Drive, legally described as Heatherwood Estates, Phase III, zoned SF - 8.4 - PD - 724. Matt Schultheis, Applicant. Heatherwood Estates HOA, Owner. (UDC- 2412-0004)
Attachments: 1. 011425_Heatherwood_Maps, 2. 011425_Heatherwood_Staff Attachment

To:                     Planning and Zoning Commission

From:                     Kalvin Eddleman, Planner I



Consider a request for a special exception to the City of Keller Unified Development Code, Article 9, Development Standards, Section 9.05 - Sign Regulations for a detached subdivision entry sign for Heatherwood Estates, located at the intersection of Cat Mountain Trail and Rufe Snow Drive, legally described as Heatherwood Estates, Phase III, zoned SF - 8.4 - PD - 724. Matt Schultheis,  Applicant. Heatherwood Estates HOA, Owner. (UDC- 2412-0004)




The Applicant is proposing the construction of a subdivision entry sign to replace the original entry sign that was damaged, located at the intersection of Cat Mountain Trail and Rufe Snow Drive.


The UDC sign code states that the maximum total size for a subdivision entry sign is 32 square feet. The Applicant has requested a special exception to exceed 32 square feet at 72 square feet total. 



Sign Size and Material:

The size of the proposed sign is 72 square feet total, including two columns to be 2 feet by five feet and 6 inches, and a center frame to be 5 feet by 10 feet. The sign face will be 7 feet by 3 feet with 8 inch lettering.


The proposed sign materials include brick and stone masonry.



Special Exceptions Requested:

The Applicant is requesting a special exception to UDC Section 9.05 (D.7) Table 5- Residential District Detached Signs to construct a subdivision entry sign that exceeds a maximum total size of 32 square feet. 



Section 9.05 (B)(4)(a) of the UDC, lists criteria for approval of a special exception.


1.                     Whether the requested exception will not adversely affect public safety,


2.                      Whether the requested exception will not adversely affect surrounding properties,


3.                     Whether the requested exception will be in harmony with the spirit and purpose of this sign code,


4.                     Whether special conditions exist which are unique to the applicant or property,


5.                     Whether the requested exception demonstrates increased quality and standards, and


6.                     Whether the requested exception will be aesthetically appropriate in the area.


Citizen Input:

A UDC special exception does not require a public hearing. The public will have an opportunity to speak on this agenda item at the “Persons to Be Heard.”



The Planning and Zoning Commission has the following options when considering a UDC special exception request:


                     Recommend approval as submitted (with requested special exception).

                     Recommend approval with modified or additional condition(s).

                     Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.

                     Recommend denial.


City Council Action:

If the Planning and Zoning Commission takes action and makes a recommendation on this agenda item, then this UDC special exception application will be scheduled for City Council action on February 4, 2025.


Supporting Documents:                     

                     Aerial and Zoning Maps

                     Staff Attachment - Applicant Packet