To: Aaron Rector, City Manager
From: Sarah Hensley, Director of Community Development
Consider a resolution approving a Site Plan with variances for City Sports, a proposed athletics/recreation facility on the south side of Golden Triangle Boulevard on 7.81 acres, approximately 2,100 feet northwest from the Sports Parkway and Soccer Parkway intersection within the Keller Sports Park, legally described as Lot 5, Block A of Keller Athletic Complex Addition, zoned Commercial - City Owned Property (C) and addressed 401 Golden Triangle Boulevard. City of Keller, Owner. City Sports, Applicant. (SITE-2411-0008)
The Applicant is proposing to construct an 83,620 square-foot multi-sports facility at the northwest corner of the Keller Sports Park. The facility is part of a public-private partnership whose operations are anticipated to complement the programs offered at the park, including a partnership with the Keller Youth Association.
A special Task Force was created by City Council in August of 2021 to research and make recommendations for improvements to the Keller Sports Park. The Sports Park renovation project is under construction, which includes:
- new grass multi-purpose field with an associated parking lot
- replacing one grass soccer field with synthetic turf
- two new lighted baseball fields
- renovating existing multi-purpose and baseball fields
- new restrooms, storage and concession buildings
- new field house and meeting rooms
- renovating existing restroom/concession buildings
- new shade structures
- enhanced landscaping, lighting, fencing, backstops, and netting throughout the park
The Task Force determined that the approximately seven (7) undeveloped acres comprising the subject property would be better utilized in the form of a ground lease with an entity that could provide sports related recreational activity that the city could not accommodate in other areas of the park.
In October 2023, City Council approved a ground lease agreement with ME Development, LLC for a term of 50 years to allow the development of an athletics campus featuring space for basketball, volleyball, cheer and futsal on undeveloped land at the northwest corner of the Sports Park.
Site Layout:
The proposed facility includes 64,700 square-feet of indoor space dedicated to the following activities:
- Gym space: 38,178 SF
- Office, storage, restrooms and performance training: 26,522 SF
An additional 47,300 SF of outdoor space will be utilized as follows:
- Outdoor courts: 18,920 SF
- Turf fields: 28,380
The proposed structure is a one-story building with a small mezzanine. An open-air corridor runs between the indoor and outdoor courts, with concessions and retail space adjacent to the outdoor courts.
The Applicant plans to host tournaments, league games, and practices They also intend to partner with the Keller Youth Association basketball program, which is currently reliant on local school gyms for practice and game space.
The Applicant is proposing a combination of masonry, metal, glass and wood on each elevation. The west elevation includes a vinyl rainscreen/windblock. A breakdown of material percentages is included in the agenda packet.
To meet minimum clearance requirements for the sports activities, the gymnasium ceilings must be at least 25 feet. The roof slopes from 28’ up to 40’ with an average height of 30 The Unified Development Code (UDC) allows buildings in the Commercial Zoning District to exceed 35’ as long as one additional foot setback is provided for each additional 2 feet in height. The Proposed building meets this requirement.
All signage will be approved by separate permits. The Applicant anticipates applying for a UDC Special Exception for signage on the north and east sides of the building.
Landscaping: Variance Requested
UDC Section 9.03(3)(c) states “No more than twelve (12) consecutive parking spaces shall be allowed without the interruption of a landscaped island.”
1. In an effort to maximize parking, the Applicant requests a variance to not provide a landscaped island every 12 parking spaces.
UDC Section 9.03(F)(1) requires a “minimum 30’ landscape buffer to all thoroughfares with four (4) or more lanes as classified on the current Comprehensive Thoroughfare Plan.” For this project, this requirement would apply to the north side of the lot, adjacent to Golden Triangle Boulevard.
2. The Applicant requests a variable width buffer (6’9” - 30’) along Golden Triangle Boulevard to accommodate more parking spaces near the building entry.
UDC Section 9.03(F)(3)(h) requires that a minimum of 15% of parking lots be landscaped.
3. The Applicant requests to waive this requirement in order to maximize parking on the site, with 90% of all new parking installed adjacent to landscape areas and 10% along sidewalk connections.
Parking: Variance Requested
While parking is typically calculated according to the most intensive use within a structure, UDC Section 9.02(H)(4) allows for parking to be calculated for each use within a structure that exceeds 40,000 square-feet. The total parking requirement for the facility is 346 spaces. The Applicant intends to construct 116 regular plus 6 accessible spaces on-site.
4. The Applicant requests a variance to allow their on-site parking deficit to be addressed by:
a. Constructing 102 public spaces along Soccer Parkway that can be used by visitors to both the City Sports campus and Keller Sports Park.
b. For the remaining 128 spaces, the Applicant will utilize public spaces adjacent to the city soccer fields south of the subject property. The lot directly south of the proposed campus has 168 regular and 9 accessible spaces.
Roadway Access:
Existing roadway access is limited to Soccer Parkway. The Applicant intends to construct two driveways off Golden Triangle Boulevard as part of the project. The western-most drive will connect to Soccer Parkway, which will no longer be gated upon completion of the Sports Park Renovation project.
Drainage and Utilities:
The applicant has submitted preliminary drainage and utility plans for this development and has met the requirements of the UDC for this development.
The subject property is zoned Commercial - City Owned Property (C).
Surrounding Zoning:
East: Commercial - City Owned Property
West: City of Fort Worth
North: City of Fort Worth
South: Commercial - City Owned Property
Future Land Use Plan:
The subject property is designated Parks and Open Space on the Future Land Use Plan (FLUP).
Surrounding FLUP Designations:
East: Parks and Open Space
West: City of Fort Worth
North: City of Fort Worth
South: Parks and Open Space
Variances Requested:
1. A variance request to not provide a landscaped island every 12 parking spaces.
2. A variance request to allow variable width buffer (6’9” - 30’) along Golden Triangle Boulevard in lieu of the required 30’ buffer.
3. A variance request to waive the required to landscape 15% of all parking lots, with 90% of all new parking installed adjacent to landscape areas and 10% along sidewalk connections.
4. A variance request to allow their on-site parking deficit of 230 spaces to be addressed by:
a. Constructing 102 public spaces along Soccer Parkway that can be used by visitors to both the City Sports campus and Keller Sports Park.
b. For the remaining spaces, the Applicant will utilize up to 177 public spaces adjacent to the city soccer fields south of the subject property.
Section 2.07(A)(2) of the UDC lists criteria for approval of a variance, the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council shall consider the following factors:
a. That there are special circumstances or conditions affecting the land involved such that the strict application of the provisions of this Code would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land.
b. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to other properties in the area.
c. That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of other lands in the area in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
d. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a violation of any other valid ordinance of the City of Keller.
e. That strict compliance with the regulations, and/or that the purpose of the regulations will be served to a greater extent by the alternative proposal.
Citizen Input:
A Site Plan application, even with variances, does not require a public hearing, so no public hearing notifications were sent out to the surrounding property owners for this request. The public will have an opportunity to speak on this agenda item during “Persons To Be Heard.”
Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation:
At the January 28, 2025, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, Commissioners unanimously recommended approval of the site plan amendment request as presented.
The City Council has the following options when considering a site plan with variances:
• Approve as submitted.
• Approve with modified or additional condition(s).
• Table the agenda item to a specific date with clarification of intent and purpose.
• Deny.