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File #: 25-130    Version: 1
Type: New Business Status: Approved
File created: 2/19/2025 Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action: 3/4/2025
Title Search: Consider a resolution approving a Detailed Site Plan for The Summit at Center Stage, a proposed 42-lot subdivision in an existing Mixed Use Planned Development, on an 8.08-acre property, legally described as Lot 9, Block A, Center Stage Addition, located approximately 425 feet east of the North Main Street and Mount Gilead Road intersection, zoned Planned Development - Mixed Use - Commercial/Residential and addressed as 145 Mount Gilead Road. RCM Keller Center Stage, LLC, Owner/Applicant. (SITE-2502-0002)
Attachments: 1. 030425_Center Stage SF DSP_Resolution, 2. 030425_Center Stage SF DSP_Elevations-Floor Plans, 3. 030425_Center Stage SF DSP_Aerial Overlay, 4. 030425_Center Stage SF DSP_MAPS, 5. Presentation - Center Stage PD Single Family DSP.pdf, 6. Center Stage PD Amendment APPROVED_080123_, 7. 030425_Center Stage SF DSP_Exhibit A

To:                     Aaron Rector, City Manager

From:                     Sarah Hensley, Director of Community Development



Consider a resolution approving a Detailed Site Plan for The Summit at Center Stage, a proposed 42-lot subdivision in an existing Mixed Use Planned Development, on an 8.08-acre property, legally described as Lot 9, Block A, Center Stage Addition, located approximately 425 feet east of the North Main Street and Mount Gilead Road intersection, zoned Planned Development - Mixed Use - Commercial/Residential and addressed as 145 Mount Gilead Road. RCM Keller Center Stage, LLC, Owner/Applicant. (SITE-2502-0002)



Current Zoning:

Planned Development - Mixed Use Commercial/Residential



The Center Stage Planned Development (PD) was approved on January 21, 2020, as a mixed-use development that included a variety of residential and commercial uses in a phased approach. A PD Amendment was approved by City Council on August 1, 2023. The proposed DSP is specifically for the single-family lots located in Block A1 of the development.



Section 2 - Administration of the Center Stage PD states that “changes on the DSP, which differ from the Concept Plan, but do not alter the basic relationship of the proposed development to adjacent property, the uses permitted, or increase the density, building height or coverage of the site, the off-street parking ratio or reduce the yards provided at the boundary of the site, or does not significantly alter the landscape plans as indicated on the approved Conceptual Plan shall be deemed in Substantial Conformance with the Zoning.”


The proposed site plan is in conformance with the PD.


Site Layout:

PD Section 3.1 - General Development Standards states that Block A1 shall contain primarily single-family lots, cannot exceed 10 acres, and must include the Gilead Joint Open Space. PD Table 3.1 allows for up to 43 single-family detached homes in Block A1. The proposed site plan includes 8.08 acres and 42 single-family lots, the related streets and alleyways, and three open space lots, including the Gilead Joint Open Space, in the same basic configuration shown on the concept plan in the amended PD. PD Table 3.1 allows for up to 43 single-family detached homes. The original PD, prior to the 2023 amendment, allowed up to 57 single-family homes.                     


Lot Standards:

Table 3.2 of the Center Stage PD gives the following regulations for the single-family lots:


Minimum Lot Width: 30’

Minimum Lot Depth: 90’

Minimum Lot Area: 2,700 square-feet

Minimum Setbacks:

                     Front 10’

                     Side 0’/5’

                     Rear 18’

The proposed DSP meets the Lot Standards of the approved PD.


Architectural Standards:

Section 7 - Architectural Standards of the Center Stage PD states that front doors on not more than 10% of single-family lots shall be permitted to face the community lawn in the absence of a public street directly adjacent to the front façade of the homes. The proposed DSP shows only Lots 33 and 34 facing the community lawn; all other lots face a public street.


Section 7 also prohibits carports on single-family lots and requires a fire suppression system in each structure. Table 7.2 requires 90% masonry on all single-family lots, to include brick, stone, cultured stone, stucco, and cast stone, but exclude CMU and exposed concrete. The requirements in Section 7, including Table 7.2, will be enforced during the building permit review for each individual home.


Landscaping/Open Space/Buffers:

Section 5.2 of the PD requires each single-family lot to have at least one tree in the parkway between the sidewalk and the curb, and that lots less than 40’ in width shall not require trees to be planted on the lot. The PD allows street trees to be planted in front yards of the single-family homes instead of in the parkway. The Pedestrian Streetscape 3 for Public Street Right-of-Way (ROW) in the PD requires the setback from the ROW to be landscaped. Tree planting and landscaping for each individual lot will be verified during building permit review.


The proposed DSP shows three open space lots, including the Gilead Open Space (designated as OS2 in the PD). PD Figure 5.1 requires the Gilead Open Space to be a minimum of 1 acre and for a minimum 15’ wide buffer along Mount Gilead Road.


The following acreage is provided in the DSP for the three open space lots:


Lot 43X (Part of OS2 along Mount Gilead Road): 1.489 acres

Lot 44X (Part of OS2 adjacent to future restaurant/community lawn): .406 acres

Lot 45X (adjacent to Milestone Church on the east): .308 acres


Total Open Space: 2.203 Acres


The proposed DSP shows a 15’ trail easement along Mount Gilead Road to serve as the required buffer.


Tree Preservation:

PD Section 5.1 - Parks and Open Space Standards requires the Gilead Joint Open Space (OS2) to include a tree-save area of at least 75% of the open space area, calculated off the minimum size of one acre for OS2. The DSP submittal included a Tree Preservation plan and Civil Plans set with a Tree Save Plan. The tree save plan shows a tree save area of .87 acre to comply with the PD. 


Sidewalks and Trails:

Figure 5.3 of the PD shows a 10’ sidewalk/trail along Mount Gilead Road and 5’ minimum sidewalks throughout Block A1. The proposed DSP complies with the PD requirements for sidewalks and trails.



PD Table 6.1 requires 2 off-street parking spaces for each single-family lot. The sample floor plan provided with the DSP shows a minimum capacity two-car garage in each home, which will be verified during the building permit review for each individual structure. The proposed DSP complies with the PD requirements for parking.


Roadway Access:

The roadways proposed in the DSP meet the lane width and other requirements in PD Section 4.1 - General Street Standards and Figure 4.2 - Street Sections, and are consistent with the street alignment relative to Mount Gilead Road approved in the 2023 PD Amendment.



The proposed DSP meets the requirements for paving, Right-of-Way and intersection radius for residential alleys in PD Table 4.2.


Citizen Input:

As per UDC guidelines and the approved PD Ordinance, if the Detailed Site Plan (DSP) materially complies with the Center Stage PD standards, a public hearing is not required, so no public hearing notifications were sent to the surrounding property owners for this request. The public will have an opportunity to speak on this agenda item during “Persons To Be Heard.”



Section 2(E) of the PD states that if the Detailed Site Plan (DSP) materially complies with the Center Stage PD standards, a public hearing is not required, and City Council approval shall be non-discretionary.