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File #: 25-180    Version: 1
Type: Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/5/2025 Meeting Body: City Council
On agenda: 3/18/2025 Final action:
Title Search: Consider a resolution approving a professional services agreement with O'Brien Engineering Inc., of Carrollton, Texas; for the purpose of providing engineering design services relating to Bear Creek Trail Erosion Protection project; for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.
Attachments: 1. 031825_ErosionProtection_Resolution, 2. 031825_ErosionProtection_DraftAgreement
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To:                     Aaron Rector, City Manager

From:                     Alonzo Liñán, Director of Public Works 



Consider a resolution approving a professional services agreement with O’Brien Engineering Inc., of Carrollton, Texas; for the purpose of providing engineering design services relating to Bear Creek Trail Erosion Protection project; for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.



Action Requested:                     

Approve a professional services agreement with O’Brien Engineering, Inc., of Carrollton, Texas; for the Bear Creek Trail Erosion Protection project in the amount of $184,889.00.



In December 2021, the City executed a professional services agreement with O’Brien Engineering, Inc. for a citywide streambank erosion study to identify city infrastructure most susceptible to damage from erosion. This study was part of a larger hazard mitigation update to the Tarrant County Emergency Management Plan.

The final study identified sixteen (16) areas and ranked them based on life safety, erosion potential, erosion risk, cost and public useability. The proposed professional services agreement will design a 24’ high and ~485’ long gabion wall to provide erosion protection, as well as an opinion of probable cost for two areas along Big Bear Creek immediately south of Town Hall along the trail. These two locations are the highest ranked priorities due to their proximity to the trail. The contract provides for design work expected to conclude in June of 2025 with estimated project costs provided. Construction is not expected until this fall with the adoption of the FY 2025-26 budget.


Financial Impact:

Funds are budgeted in the Drainage System Capital Improvements Project Fund with funding provided by the Drainage Utility Fund.


Legal Review:                       

The City Attorney has reviewed this item.



City Council has the following alternatives:                       

-                     Approve as submitted

-                     Approve with changes

-                     Denial