To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Aaron Rector, Director of Administrative Services
Consider a resolution receiving the Keller Quarterly Financial Report for period ending March 31, 2022, and providing an effective date.
The Keller Quarterly Financial Report provides an update on actual operating revenue and expenditure activity in comparison to budget. As of March 31, 2022, year-to-date operating revenues are $56,036,853 or 60.1% of budget and operating expenditures are $44,406,336 or 44.3% of budget. In the General Fund, revenues are $29,681,048 or 73.5% of budget and expenditures are $20,344,235 or 44.8% of budget. In the Water-Wastewater Utility Fund, revenues are $12,781,011 or 45.3% and expenditures are $11,728,923 or 41.6%. Overall revenues and expenditures are in-line with expectations and follow prior year trends.
Financial Impact:
Citizen Input/Board Review:
The Keller Finance Committee reviewed and approved the financial report on May 17, 2022.
Legal Review:
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial