To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Cody Maberry, Director of Community Services
Consider a resolution approving an agreement for Design Services with Parkhill Schrickel Rollins, of Arlington, Texas, relating to the Keller Sports Park Master Plan, and further authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.
Action Requested:
City Council consideration of an agreement with Parkhill Schrickel Rollins to provide design services relating to the Keller Sports Park Master Plan in the amount of $77,500 and authorizing the City Manager to execute all contract documents relating thereto.
In FY 2015-16, a Task Force was led by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to create a Keller Sports Park Master Plan to address the City’s growing sports and recreational needs. Discussions were held with the Keller Youth Association, the Keller Soccer Association, the Keller Horse Owners Association, the Keller Saddle Club, and Alliance Rugby Club to understand each organizations’ specific requirements. A Master Plan was created for improvements to the Keller Sports Park, however no action was taken.
A new Task Force, consisting of members of the City Council, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Keller Youth Association, Keller Soccer Association, Alliance Rugby Club, Keller Lacrosse Association and the Keller Saddle Club, has been created by City Council to address future improvements to the Keller Sports Park.
The firm of Parkhill Schrickel Rollins was contacted because they completed the initial Keller Sports Park Master Plan in FY2015-16, and they have also designed many successful sports parks, including Southlake’s Bicentennial Park. Options and alternatives will be presented to the Task Force, and a recommendation for development will be made to the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council.
Financial Impact:
Funding in the amount of $77,500 is available in the Keller Development Corporation undesignated fund balance.
Citizen Input/Board Review:
The content of the design will be a result of numerous discussions with the Keller Sports Park Task Force.
Legal Review:
The proposed agreement has been reviewed by the City Attorney.
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial