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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 5:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Keller Town Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-134 1a.Executive Session207 S. Elm Street   Not available Not available
25-126 11.Work SessionKeller Police Department Annual Report   Not available Video Video
25-127 12.Work SessionDiscuss Unified Development Code amendments related to horse boarding.   Not available Video Video
25-129 13.Work SessionEconomic Development Update.   Not available Video Video
25-162 14.Work SessionDiscussion on Impacts of Population Growth Over 50,000   Not available Video Video
25-075 1 Proclamation/PresentationCub Scout Pack 175 - Webelo Den   Not available Not available
25-101 11.ConsentConsider approval of the Minutes of the Tuesday, February 18 2025, Regular City Council Meeting.   Not available Not available
25-122 12.ConsentConsider a resolution approving the proposal from Motorola Solutions Inc. for the purchase of Police Department radios through the Houston-Galveston (H-GAC) Cooperative Purchasing Program, and authorizing the City Manager to execute all purchase documents relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.   Not available Not available
25-143 13.ConsentConsider a resolution receiving the Keller Quarterly Investment Report for period ending December 31, 2024, and providing an effective date.   Not available Not available
25-144 14.ConsentConsider a resolution receiving the Keller Quarterly Financial Report for period ending December 31, 2024 and providing an effective date.   Not available Not available
25-149 15.ConsentConsider a resolution authorizing the purchase and installation of two replacement outdoor warning sirens, for Keller Fire Rescue, from Federal Signal Corporation, through The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) cooperative, and authorizing the City Manager or designee to execute all purchase document relating thereto on behalf of the City of Keller.   Not available Not available
25-023 11.New BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving amendments to the City of Keller Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12 - Parks and Recreation, Section 12-160, by adopting the annual Youth Programs Standards of Care; providing a severability clause; authorizing publication; and providing an effective date.   Not available Video Video
25-023 11.New BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving amendments to the City of Keller Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12 - Parks and Recreation, Section 12-160, by adopting the annual Youth Programs Standards of Care; providing a severability clause; authorizing publication; and providing an effective date.   Not available Video Video
25-128 12.New BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Blue Morpho Salon, in an approximately 1,200 square-foot existing lease space, on 1.62 acres, approximately 440 feet southeast of the Town Center Lane and Keller Parkway intersection, legally described as Lot 1R, Block B of the Keller Town Center Addition, zoned Town Center (TC) and addressed 101 Town Center Lane, Ste. 115. Julie Vega, Applicant. Regency Centers, L.P., Owner. (SUP-2501-0005)   Not available Video Video
25-128 12.New BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Blue Morpho Salon, in an approximately 1,200 square-foot existing lease space, on 1.62 acres, approximately 440 feet southeast of the Town Center Lane and Keller Parkway intersection, legally described as Lot 1R, Block B of the Keller Town Center Addition, zoned Town Center (TC) and addressed 101 Town Center Lane, Ste. 115. Julie Vega, Applicant. Regency Centers, L.P., Owner. (SUP-2501-0005)   Not available Video Video
25-131 13.New BusinessPUBLIC HEARING: Consider an ordinance approving a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for Forever Young Spa, a Medical Spa in an existing 1,217 square foot lease space on 1.53 acres, located approximately 500 feet north of the intersection of Keller Parkway and Bourland Road, legally described as Lot G of the Stoneglen Office Park subdivision, zoned Retail (R) and addressed 634 Stoneglen Drive. Provcom Holdings Series II, Owner. Savannah Bewley, Applicant. (SUP-2501-0004) *This application has been withdrawn by the applicant.*   Not available Video Video
25-133 14.New BusinessConsider a resolution approving a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement, pursuant to Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government Code, and pursuant to the city's economic development policy, with Keller House Collective, Inc. at 207 S Elm St.; and authorizing the City Manager to execute said documents on behalf of the City of Keller, Texas.    Not available Video Video
25-130 15.New BusinessConsider a resolution approving a Detailed Site Plan for The Summit at Center Stage, a proposed 42-lot subdivision in an existing Mixed Use Planned Development, on an 8.08-acre property, legally described as Lot 9, Block A, Center Stage Addition, located approximately 425 feet east of the North Main Street and Mount Gilead Road intersection, zoned Planned Development - Mixed Use - Commercial/Residential and addressed as 145 Mount Gilead Road. RCM Keller Center Stage, LLC, Owner/Applicant. (SITE-2502-0002)   Not available Video Video
25-134 1a.Executive Session207 S. Elm Street   Not available Not available