| 1 | 1. | Administrative Comments | Briefing regarding City Council action on March 4, 2025. | | |
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| 1 | 1. | Consent | Consider the minutes of the February 11, 2025 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. | | |
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| 1 | 2. | Consent | Consider the minutes of the February 25, 2025 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. | | |
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| 1 | 3. | Consent | Consider approving a Final Plat for The Summit at Center Stage, consisting of 42 residential lots and three open space lots on 8.08 acres, being a replat of Lot 9, Block A, Center Stage Addition, located approximately 425 feet east of the North Main Street and Mount Gilead Road intersection, zoned Planned Development - Mixed Use - Commercial/Residential and addressed as 145 Mount Gilead Road. RCM Keller Center Stage, LLC, Owner/Applicant. (P-24-0016) | | |
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| 1 | 1. | New Business | PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request for a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for a dental office in a proposed 11,000 square-foot multitenant building, on a 2.94-acre lot, located directly north of the Keller Parkway and Country Brook Drive intersection, legally described as Tract 2E, Abstract 28 of the Pamela Allen Survey and addressed 1241 Keller Parkway. Ryan McIntosh, Trinity Partners Commercial Real Estate, Applicant/Owner. (SUP-2502-0011) | | |
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| 1 | 2. | New Business | PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request for Armstrong Hills, a Planned Development Zoning Change from Single-Family Residential - 36,000 square-foot lots to Planned Development - Single-Family Residential - 25,000 square-foot lots, consisting of 49 residential lots and 10 open space lots, on approximately 49 acres of land, legally described as a Tract 2 HS, Abstract 1501 and Tract 2, Abstract 791 of the Thomas J. Thompson Survey, located 120 feet southeast of the Davis Boulevard and Creek Road intersection, and addressed 8740 Davis Boulevard.. Barron-Stark Engineers and Holmes Builders, Applicant. LLB Armstrong Family LP, Owner. (ZONE-2411-0007) | | |
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| 1 | 3. | New Business | PUBLIC HEARING: Consider a request for a Future Land Use Plan (FLUP) amendment from Low-Density Single Family 36,000 square-foot lots and above (LD-SF) to Medium-Density Single Family - 15,000 to 35,999 square-foot lots (MD-SF) for 49 acres, legally described as a Tract 2 HS, Abstract 1501 and Tract 2, Abstract 791 of the Thomas J. Thompson Survey, located 120 feet southeast of the Davis Boulevard and Creek Road intersection, and addressed 8740 Davis Boulevard. Barron-Stark Engineers and Holmes Builders, Applicant. LLB Armstrong Family LP, Owner. (PA-2411-0003) | | |
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