To: Mark R. Hafner, City Manager
From: Sarah Hensley, Administrative Services Manager / JP Ducay, Planner I
Consider a resolution approving a mural for Artful Mayhem, located at 128 Keller Parkway, and zoned OTK (Old Town Keller). Susan Clark, owner; Artful Mayhem Studio LLC, applicant.
Action Requested:
Consider a resolution approving a mural for Artful Mayhem, per Article Eight, Section 8.09 - Sign Regulations of the Unified Development Code.
This item was tabled by City Council at the November 20, 2018 meeting.
The City’s Unified Development Code (UDC) stipulates that signage that is identified as a mural must be approved by City Council after a recommendation by the Public Arts Board.
The mural is being proposed by Artful Mayhem Studio, a kid focused creative arts center located at 128 Keller Parkway in the Old Town Keller zoning district. The mural would be located on the west facing wall of the business and measuring approximately 8 feet in height and 12 feet wide. The applicant, Sarah Zamora, has provided a rendering of the proposed mural; please note that the mural will not be painted on to the siding of the building but rather constructed of wood, chloroplast or exterior plastic sign board, and exterior paint. Additionally, the proposed mural will be colored and will contain phrases immersed throughout the design. The applicant, Sarah Zamora with Artful Mayhem Studio, intends for the mural to spread positivity and create a photo op site on the west side of the business.
Financial Impact:
Legal Review:
Not applicable.
Citizen Input:
This item is not a scheduled public hearing so no public hearing notification was sent out. Any concerned citizens that wish to speak on this item may do so at the “Persons to be Heard” portion of the meeting.
Board Review:
The applicant presented the proposed mural design to the Public Arts Board at their regular meeting on November 14, 2018. The Board voted to recommend approval of the mural (6-0).
City Council has the following alternatives:
- Approve as submitted
- Approve with changes
- Denial